



I-Audio Service

General information

I-Audio Service can be used for:

  • transmitting the signal from the input of the sound card of an air station to a media server (Icecast or Shoutcast) when organizing an Internet broadcasting;
  • receiving a stream of audio from the Internet and sending it to the physical output;
  • the direction of the audio stream from the physical input to the physical output;
  • embedding processing when webcasting.

I-Audio Service can transfer multiple streams in different formats.

I-Audio Service Setup

To install the service, you need to run the application IAUDIO_SERVICE, located in the directory C:\Program Files\Digispot II\IAudio-Service.

The creation of a service or its emulator and their configuration are carried out in accordance with the General principles of operation of all services.


After launching the application as an administrator, a service window will open.


The window contains two tabs - Service and Emulator.

The Service tab is intended for the creation, configuration and running of real services; the Emulator mode is designed for testing and debugging services.

To complete the work, use the Service tab. If it is not available, you must open the program with administrator rights.

In the Service name drop-down list, you can select the desired service from the list of installed on the system.

If no service is installed, click the Create button.

In the window that opens, you can enter any custom service name. If the identifier string is empty, the name will be assigned automatically.

If the service was originally created as an emulator, then it is allowed to recreate it as a real service with the same name on the Service tab.

When creating a service, the Service settings window opens.

Service settings.png

You can also open this window by clicking the Configure... button.

The startup options indicate the file location.

It's necessary to select Startup type:

  • Automatic. The service starts automatically when you turn on the computer.
  • Disabled. The service does not work.
  • Manual. The service is started manually by pressing the Start button.

After selecting the startup type, confirm it by clicking the Apply button.

The Start and Stop buttons start or stop the operation, and the Status field indicates the status of the service: RUNNING or STOPPED.

The Cofigure... menu allows you to change:

  • Configure service IAUDIO_SERVICE (service name). Open Service settings window.
  • Global settings. Open Global settings window.
  • Workstation settings. Open Workstation settings window.

To remove a service from the list of installed systems, click the Remove button.

Service settings window

Service settings window.png

The ASIO Settings button opens the window of the same name and allows you to configure ASIO drivers.

The Retranssmission Channels button opens the settings window and allows you to configure Retransmission channels.

The Audio processing button opens the window of the same name and allows you to enable or disable processing, select a player, configure the default preset.

The input signal level indicator is located in the right part of the Service Settings window. If the indicator doesn't show the level, then there is no signal at the input.

In the middle of the window there is the Retransmission Channels list, which reflects all the existing retransmission channels. If retransmission channels are included in a group, the group name is displayed in the list. In the list you can activate the necessary channels, track whether the selected retransmision channels work.

Settings are applied after pressing the OK button.


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