


Camera control module

The camera control module receives data from signal detector and generates commands for switching between cameras according to a specified algorithm. Commutation between video devices and signal detectors is done in the module’s main window:

1. For commutation between devices, active schedule must be specified, to receive data about video channel "…->Schedules:"

After selecting the needed schedule recently created video devices will be added to device matching list for the rule (logic) default, where:

  • user device – name of device specified in video channel settings;
  • type of device - type of device specified in video channel settings;
  • physical device – name of device received from driver (see p. 2);
  • activity - user name of signal detector (see p. 3);
  • proprities – priority of device, used for switching between cameras.

If a detector has a higher priority specified for it, when switching between cameras using current switching logic, the longest activity time willl be given to the camera whose detector will have a higher priority. If the player is active and it has the highest priority, there will be no switching to other cameras or general view until the moment the player is switched off.

2. To assign a physical device to user video device you need to load a list of physical devices (if using BlackMagic ATEM) or enter the names of physical devices manually (if using ORAD). Menu "…->List of devices":

Device list when using BlackMagic ATEM

3. To match detector and video device create one detector for each video device. Menu "…->Detectors":

The devices can be edited in the following window:

, where line identificator of the device must correspond to line identificator of real signal detector device (see signal detector module setup) if the source of signal is a microphone. If the source is a player, you must add player’s identificator, such as OBJID_PLAY_X1. If you need to receive events from player installed on a remore computer, specify player path within the configured system of events, such as /HOST1.OBJID_PLAY_X1 (more details here: Interaction between modules). Line identificator may be omitted if switching is supposed to occur with a general view camera.

4. Setup of camera control module algorithm parameters is done separately for each rule (logic). Choose the "Switching between plans logic" by right-clicking on selected tab (rule) in the context menu:

Specify general view camera and set parameters for inertness of switching between views.

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